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  • 雅思听力:审题的有效性

    时间:10-27 11:16:14来源:http://www.laixuea.com 雅思考试阅读:8419

    概要:Cambridge 2 Test 2 Question 11题目:Smith House was originally built as___________A a residential collegeB a family houseC a universityD an office block原文:Smith House as you may or may not know is one of the oldest residential college of the university. As you can see, the building you are in now which contains this lounge, the dinning room, the recreation room, the kitchen and the offices was part of the original house, built in the 1840s to be used by the f

      Cambridge 2 Test 2 Question 11
      Smith House was originally built as___________
      A a residential college
      B a family house
      C a university
      D an office block
      原文:Smith House as you may or may not know is one of the oldest residential college of the university. As you can see, the building you are in now which contains this lounge, the dinning room, the recreation room, the kitchen and the offices was part of the original house, built in the 1840s to be used by the family George Smith.
      Cambridge 5 Test 2 Question 8
      Need………………….to use photocopier
      Excellent. I assume you have photocopying facilities?
      Of course. 5p a sheet for both A4 and A4 black –and –white copies and 40p a sheet for color. You can get the card from the counter here- it does not take coins.
      答案: card
      解析: 这道题让一部分考生在做完第七题以后,突然有些迷失。但是在section1的这个对话中,我会先听到与空格后面的相似的photocopying这个词,所以可以先用这个词来定位。而对于need这个词我们可以简单用中文来想“需要”,待听录音时,只要听到需要的“东西”,就可以了。

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