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  • 在工艺品商店

    时间:10-14 10:31:42来源:http://www.laixuea.com 生活英语阅读:8870

    概要:C:I see. I'll take two then. Henry,you like them?B:Yes,I do. Eh,could you send them to our room?A:Certainly,sir. Please write down your name and yourroom number.Dialogue BA:Are you being served,sir?B:I'd like to buy a medium-sized cloisonne vase with a light blue background.A:I'm sorry,sir. They are sold out. We only have some big ones now,but we are expecting to have some tomorrow.B:Oh,I am leaving China tomorrow. I don't think I have much


    C:I see. I'll take two then. Henry,you like them?

    B:Yes,I do. Eh,could you send them to our room?

    A:Certainly,sir. Please write down your name and yourroom number.


    Dialogue B

    A:Are you being served,sir?

    B:I'd like to buy a medium-sized cloisonne vase with a light blue background.

    A:I'm sorry,sir. They are sold out. We only have some big ones now,but we are expecting to have some tomorrow.

    B:Oh,I am leaving China tomorrow. I don't think I have much time.

    A:Could you go to the Shanghai Friendship Store and get it there?

    B:Let me see. How much is the big one?

    A:One hundred and eighty yuan.

    B:That sounds reasonable. Will you show the some?

    A:Yes,sir. How would you like this one?The background is pale blue with traditional Chinese paintings of flowers and brids.

    B:It's attractive. I'll take a pair. I am sure my wife will like them.

    A:Yes. I'm sure she will,sir.

    B:Can you pack the vases and send them to New York by mail for me?

    A:Yes,sir. Please write your name and address on this slip.

    B:OK. How much should I pay then?

    A:Four hundred yuan altogether,including the postage and the charge for the packing. You know,we'll have to make a special box.

    B:All right. Here's the money.

    Assistant:Thank you.


    Dialogue C

    (A:shop assistant B:Mr Smith C:Mrs Smith)

    C:(to B)Come here,John,do you like the eggs?(to A)Are they made of real eggs?

    A:They're made of egg shells. The yolk and white are taken off.

    B:Let me see…. A pair of eggs is sold at two yuan and fifty fen. It's not expensive,Is it,Joan?

    C:No,I think we'll take two pairs.

    B:The small screens look lovely. (to A) What are they made from?

    A:They are made from different materiais-dolomite,tough silk,organdie, etc. The frames are made of mahogany.

    The designs are painted by hand.

    B:(to C)Shall we take one?

    C:I think so. But shall we buy some fans?

    B:Yes. (to A) Are these all sandal fans?

    A:Not all of them. Some are made of Chinese little leaf boxwood with scent sprayed on. Those made of real sandalwood are much more expensive.

    C:May I take a smell of them and compare which one I like better.

    A:Yes,please. Here you are. (After smelling them)

    C:This one smells better. I'll take this and buy a feather fan. Please show me some.

    A:Yes,this is made of wild goose feather and this is made of skylark feather.

    C:I'll take both of them. Please put all things I selected to-get her and tell me how much do I owe you?

    A:Just a moment,please. I'll figure them out.


    Words and Expressions 

    artistry    n. 艺术性;艺术技巧

    weave    vt. 织,编(制)

    embroidery    n. 绣花,绣制品

    shell     n. 壳;果壳;荚

    yolk    n. 蛋黄;卵黄

    domolite    n. 白云石;石灰岩;大理石

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