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  • 2017年小学二年级上册期末英语复习试卷及答案1

    时间:05-11 21:39:48来源:http://www.laixuea.com 二年级英语学习阅读:8417

    概要: C. fish D. whale ( ) 3. Thank you for the _________ present. A. horrid B. awful C. lovely D. ugly ( ) 4. During the blackout, David lit a __________. A. torchlight B. candle C. paper D. cigarette ( ) 5. The lion i

           C. fish        D. whale



    ( ) 3. Thank you for the _________ present.

           A. horrid      B. awful

           C. lovely      D. ugly


    ( ) 4. During the blackout, David lit a  __________. 

           A. torchlight     B. candle        C. paper            D. cigarette

    ( ) 5. The lion is a/an __________ animal.

           A. fierce         B. adorable      C. gentle           D. friendly

    ( ) 6. The huge monkey _________ from tree to tree playfully.

           A. flies          B. flips         C. swings           D. sways

    ( ) 7. The ________ is crossing the busy road.

           A. passenger      B. victim        C. pedestrian       D. vehicle



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