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  • 让你简历石沉大海的4大杀手

    时间:10-14 10:31:42来源:http://www.laixuea.com 个人简历指导阅读:8625

    概要:大部分的简历都不能回答雇主的问题,“简历有什么对我有好处的?”雇主们有个问题,而不是一份工作。这个问题通常和钱有关。所以,寻找那些你能让他们得到回报的方法吧。通常一份简历被阅读的时间只有20秒,你不得不快速的回答这个问题。一个做好这件事的方法是使用简洁“独特的销售主张”(USP),这能把你在竞争者中脱颖而出。这份USP是一个简单的句子,它包括下面三个重要问题:* Who you are你是谁* Your biggest strength你最强的地方* Your primary benefit, which should be measurable你为公司带来什么可量化的初步效益Your USP describes what you bring to the employer. Every employee either makes money or saves money for an employer. Determine how you bring val

      * Who you are你是谁
      * Your biggest strength你最强的地方
      * Your primary benefit, which should be measurable你为公司带来什么可量化的初步效益
      Your USP describes what you bring to the employer. Every employee either makes money or saves money for an employer. Determine how you bring value in either or both of these ways. The best branding statements usually incorporate figures in dollars or percentages of money, or time that was gained or saved over a certain period。


      3. Selling Skills, Length of Service销售技巧、服务年限
      Skills are just a commodity. Leave behind that old mindset that your job-related skills or length of service are selling factors. The new mindset is to view yourself as a mini profit-and-loss center rather than just an employee. Employers today buy results and are less impressed when a candidate promotes a laundry list of skills. Instead, define the many ways your past and present job performances are assets to your next employer。
      How are you an asset to a company’s balance sheet? Once again, focus on how your work either helps a company make or save money. Think beyond your skill sets and job duties and list every possible example of how you accomplish this。
      For example, you’re a video photographer recording and editing weddings and special events. You take the extra step of performing all of your post-production work before submitting your final results. Your extra effort has saved your employer several hundred hours of additional work。
      This translates into potentially thousands of dollars that you saved the employer. This is just the sort of achievement that must be on your resume. When you can, try to monetize, or put a dollar value on your achievements。

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