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  • 警惕英文简历“杀手”

    时间:10-14 10:31:42来源:http://www.laixuea.com 英文简历阅读:8691

    概要:5."My qualifications are evident."“我的资质是显而易见的。”Don’t assume that your qualifications shine though -- spell them out for us. Employers want to know that you’re qualified for this job, and that means you’ve got to customize your resume (as well as your cover letter) for every single opening you apply for. The extra time investment is worth it -- there’s a good job available for someone, and it might as well be yo

      5."My qualifications are evident."


      Don’t assume that your qualifications shine though -- spell them out for us. Employers want to know that you’re qualified for this job, and that means you’ve got to customize your resume (as well as your cover letter) for every single opening you apply for. The extra time investment is worth it -- there’s a good job available for someone, and it might as well be you!


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