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  • 新托福指导:如何增加口语连贯性

    时间:10-27 11:18:06来源:http://www.laixuea.com 托福考试阅读:8866

    概要:连贯性”是新托福口语评分标准中的一个非常重要的因素,它指的是口语答案中信息点之间的衔接是否自然流畅。以下是一些可以帮助考生增强口语回答连贯性的六条指导原则:1. 运用总分总的结构Your listeners will understand your talk better if you organize what you say in a logical sequence or linear pattern. This means that you tell the listeners what you are going to talk about and then go through the points you want to make. The most common pattern of organization is outlined below: Introductory statementPoint 1Point 2Point 3 Concluding statementAn


      1. 运用总分总的结构
      Your listeners will understand your talk better if you organize what you say in a logical sequence or linear pattern. This means that you tell the listeners what you are going to talk about and then go through the points you want to make. The most common pattern of organization is outlined below:
       Introductory statement
      Point 1
      Point 2
      Point 3
       Concluding statement
      An example of this pattern is shown below:
      Breeding butterflies has many advantages for the collector.
      1. way of obtaining specimens
      2. spares can be released into the wild
      3. helps survival because butterflies have been protected from natural predators
      The experience is a learning experience for the collector and a benefit to the species.
      2. 运用连接词

      Connecting ideas by using transition words and phrases tells your listeners the relationship of one idea to the next. You can signal to your listener that you are going to put events in a sequence, add information, or make a comparison. You can signal that you want to emphasize or clarify a point. Using transition words and phrases helps your listener follow the flow of your ideas. Read the following example without transitional expressions:

      In my physics class, we did lots of experiments that helped clarify scientific principles. I understood those principles better by doing those experiments.
      These sentences would flow better if the speaker used transitional expressions as in the following example:
      In my physics class, we did lots of experiments that helped clarify scientific principles. As a result, I understood those principles better.
      3. 解释或定义陌生概念
      In order to help your listeners understand, you may need to define a term that you use in your response. Read the following example:
      My hobby is telemark skiing.
      If the speaker does not define the term and listeners do not know what telemark skiing is, they might not understand the rest of the passage. Sometimes listeners can guess the meaning through the context of the passage, but sometimes they cannot. Here is the definition this speaker gave of telemark skiing:
      That means skiing using telemark skis.
      Even though the speaker defined telemark skiing, listeners still may not understand what it means because the speaker defined the term with the same word. To effectively define a word, use a three-part definition:
      1. State the word or phrase to be defined.
      2. Give the category that the word or phrase fits into.
      3. Tell how the word is different from other words that fit the same category.
      Read this example of an effective definition:
      Telemark is a type of alpine skiing in which the boots are connected to the skis only at

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