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  • 医生护士常用口语会话八讲

    时间:10-27 11:25:48来源:http://www.laixuea.com 行业英语阅读:8934

    概要:】下面的情景会话也是发生在药房的。医生在向病人开药方的时候,并让病人相信他开的药都是很有效的,而且给病人一些建议。对话中,医生使用了一个simplest(最简单的)这样的最高级形式来表明他向病人开的药方及所提供的是最简单、最基本的手术了。而且,进一步说明:如果病人觉得可以的话,他还可以向他推荐更昂贵的药。需要特别注意的是,医生再次确认病人是否听懂他的医嘱,对所开的药是否存在疑问,以及是否理解给病人的嘱咐等。此后,他还告诉病人:"Just tell me if there's anything you don't understand and I'll explain it again."“如果有什么不清楚的地方,就告诉我,我再跟你解释。”有必要注意的是:每一个病人必须清楚地理解医生的每一句话,这样才可避免很多误会和麻烦。【Dialogue 对话】Doctor: Okay. That will be 27 Euros.Patient: 27





      "Just tell me if there's anything you don't understand and I'll explain it again."



      【Dialogue 对话

      Doctor: Okay. That will be 27 Euros.

      Patient: 27 Euros! It seems a lot to me.

      Doctor: Well, this is the simplest treatment we have for your condition as you fave described it to me. And the most effective, according to what you have told me. I can find something more expensive, if you like.

      Patient: Ah no, that'll be fine. I'll try what you are giving me.

      Doctor: I'm sure you will be all right. Enjoy the rest of your holiday. Be careful of what you eat and drink. No unwashed fruit or salads, no undercooked food, no tap water and no alcohol until you are fully better. Don't eat or drink off dodgy stalls or stands- only properly cleaned shops and restaurants. All right?

      Patient: All right. I'll do as you say.

      Doctor: Are you sure you've understood everything I've said? Just tell me if there's anything you don't understand and I'll go over it all.

      Patient: No, I think I've got it all.

      Doctor: Good. Well, here's hoping not see to you tomorrow. Good-bye, then.

      Patient: Good-bye.

      【Vocabulary 词汇

      treatment 治疗;手术

      effective 有效的

      unwashed 未清洗过的

      undercooked 未煮熟的

      dodgy 逃避的

      stall 货摊,摊位;书报亭

      stand 摊子,小贩卖部



    Lesson 7  Emergency call - Enquiring about a problem

      【Situation 场景




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