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  • 医学英语之电话预约大全

    时间:10-27 11:25:49来源:http://www.laixuea.com 行业英语阅读:8600

    概要:Telephone Appointment对话 1: (为自己预约)Dialogue One (make an appointment with the doctor for oneself)值班护士:早上好,这里是约翰逊大夫办公室。有什么需要帮忙的吗?Clerk: Good morning. This is Doctor Johnson's office. What can I do for you?雷德太太:是的。 我是雷德太太。我想本周预约看病。Mrs. Reed: Yes, this is Mrs. Reed. I'd like to make an appointment to see the doctor this week.值班护士:好的。恐怕约翰逊大夫本周星期一和星期二都已经被预约满了。Clerk: Well, let's see. I'm afraid he is fully booked on Monday and Tuesday.雷德太太:星期四怎么样


    Telephone Appointment

      对话 1: (为自己预约)

      Dialogue One  (make an appointment with the doctor for oneself)


      Clerk: Good morning. This is Doctor Johnson's office. What can I do for you?

      雷德太太:是的。 我是雷德太太。我想本周预约看病。

      Mrs. Reed: Yes, this is Mrs. Reed. I'd like to make an appointment to see the doctor this week.


      Clerk: Well, let's see. I'm afraid he is fully booked on Monday and Tuesday.


      Mrs. Reed: How about Thursday?


      Clerk: Sorry, but I have to say he is also occupied on Thursday. So, will Wednesday be O.K. for you, Mrs. Reed?


      Mrs. Reed: I have to work on Wednesday. By the way, is Dr. Johnson available on Saturday?


      Clerk: I'm afraid the office is closed on weekends.



      Mrs. Reed: well, what about Friday?

      值班护士:星期五。 让我查一下。 太好了,约翰逊大夫本周星期五下午有空。

      Clerk: Friday. Let me have a check. Oh, great. Dr. Johnson will be available on Friday afternoon this week.

      雷德太太: 很好。谢谢你。到时我会来的。

      Mrs. Reed: That's fine. Thank you, I'll come then.


      appointment  [[5pRintm[nt]     n. 预约

      fully         adv. 完全地,充分地

      book         vt 预定,预约

      occupy       vt 占据

      available      adj 可以见到的,有空的

      check         n. vt检查,查看


      would like to  想要

      make an appointment 预约

      have to 不得不

      by the way 顺便问一下

      be available 有空,可以见到

      see a doctor 看医生

    Sentence Patterns

      What can I do for you?


      I'd like to make an appointment to see the doctor this week.


      I'm afraid he is fully booked on Monday and Tuesday


      Is Dr. Johnson available on Saturday?


      Will Wednesday be O.K. for you, Mrs. Reed?


      Dr. Johnson will be available on Friday afternoon this week.


      Related Words

      body                 身体

      head                 头部

      brain                 脑

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