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  • Between Friends 朋友之间

    时间:10-14 10:31:42来源:http://www.laixuea.com 生活英语阅读:8415

    概要:A: Give me a few minutes.B: Take all the time you want.A: Let me buy you a drink.B: I'm really in a hurry.A: A drink won't take long. Come on.A: I'm going home. I'll see you tomorrow.B: Hey, hang around . I just got here.A: Are you free tonight?B: No, I have too much to do.A: I'll see you tomorrow.B: No, you won't.A: Are you mad about something?B: No.A: Are you free now? I have someone coming over you'd like to see.B: Who is it?

    Between Friends 朋友之间,标签:大学生活英语作文,英语教程,http://www.laixuea.com

    A: Give me a few minutes.

    B: Take all the time you want.


    A: Let me buy you a drink.

    B: I'm really in a hurry.

    A: A drink won't take long. Come on.


    A: I'm going home. I'll see you tomorrow.

    B: Hey, hang around . I just got here.


    A: Are you free tonight?

    B: No, I have too much to do.


    A: I'll see you tomorrow.

    B: No, you won't.

    A: Are you mad about something?

    B: No.


    A: Are you free now? I have someone coming over you'd like to see.

    B: Who is it?


    A: What's happening with you?

    B: Well, I'm a little weird these days.


    A: How can love turn to hate so fast, would you tell me that?

    B: It's easy.

    Tag:生活英语大学生活英语作文,英语教程英语学习 - 生活英语