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  • 办公室会话:请假

    时间:10-27 11:28:38来源:http://www.laixuea.com 生活英语阅读:8540

    概要:吃五谷杂粮,没有不生病的,身体不舒服的时候工作自然也没法做好,这时候就需要请假休息或是看医生了。该怎么提出请假呢?我们看下面一段对话:A: Mr. Emory, I'd like to take this afternoon off if it's all right with you.艾默利先生,我今天下午想请假,可以吗?B: But Sam, you've called in sick 5 times in the last three weeks.萨姆,你这三周来已经请了5次假了。A: I know, Mr. Emory. I'm sorry. But I really need to see the doctor this afternoon. I feel dizzy and I can't concentrate on my work.我知道,对不起。但是我今天下午必须去看医生,我头晕而且不能专心工作。B: All right, then. But don



      A: Mr. Emory, I'd like to take this afternoon off if it's all right with you.


      B: But Sam, you've called in sick 5 times in the last three weeks.


      A: I know, Mr. Emory. I'm sorry. But I really need to see the doctor this afternoon. I feel dizzy and I can't concentrate on my work.


      B: All right, then. But don't forget to bring a doctor's note in tomorrow.


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