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  • 五年级英语期末试卷附听力材料及答案

    时间:12-09 00:43:31来源:http://www.laixuea.com 五年级英语学习阅读:8968

    概要:p>五年级英语期末试卷听力部分(40分)同学们,寒假又来临啦!现在就让我们在几十分钟内进行一次奇异之旅吧!一、Listen and number (旅行即将拉开序幕,想赢取免费机票吗?只要把所听到单词的正确顺序排出来,就有机会哦!)(12分)二、Listen, choose and write (登机啦!戴上“伸缩耳”,听听广播,把有用的信息填到正确的位置,你就会找到你的座位!)(10分)Model:I have an (3) class at 8:00 on (8) .(1)At 10:00 on , I have a class.(2)There is a class at 8:50 on .(3)I have a class at 9:30 on .(4)There is a class at 8:10 on .(5)I can on





    一、Listen and number (旅行即将拉开序幕,想赢取免费机票吗?只要把所听到单词的正确顺序排出来,就有机会哦!)(12分)

    二、Listen, choose and write (登机啦!戴上“伸缩耳”,听听广播,把有用的信息填到正确的位置,你就会找到你的座位!)(10分)

    Model:I have an (3) class at 8:00 on (8) .

    (1)At 10:00 on , I have a class.

    (2)There is a class at 8:50 on .

    (3)I have a class at 9:30 on .

    (4)There is a class at 8:10 on .

    (5)I can on and Sunday.

    三、Listen and link. (空中小姐在分发物品,请你帮助她把一类“物品”连接在一起)(8分)

    四、Listen and judge (机长哈利•波特终于出现啦!他要宣布什么呢?仔细听,判断,记得用√和×表示。)(10分)

    ( ) 1. Jack is a student, he is eleven years old.

    ( )2. My favourite day is Friday.

    ( ) 3. Our art teacher is my favourite teacher.

    ( ) 4. We have music, math and art on Fridays.

    ( ) 5. We have cabbage and pork every day.



    ( ) 1. A. river B. like C. bridge

    ( ) 2. A. use B. under C. much

    ( ) 3. A. now B. cow C. snowy

    ( ) 4. A. meal B. clean C. really

    ( ) 5. A. potato B. tomato C. path

    二、哈利•波特玩咒语了,单词乱飞,你有本事把他们放回原位置,恢复原句吗? (10分)

    1. lunch, for, What, you, have, do, Mondays, on, (?)

    2. favourite, your, fruit, What’s, (?)

    3. are, end tables, the, there, near, bed, two, (?)

    4. active, very, She’s, (.)

    5. can What you do (?)


    1. Is there a lake near here? a. He’s tall and strong.

    2. What’s he like? b. Yes, there is.

    3. Can you set the table? c. I often do homework.

    4. What do you do on Sunday? d. No, I can’t.

    5. What’s in the box? e. Apples,They are sweet.

    6. What’s your favourite food? f. There are many things.

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    ( ) 1. ----____________ in your living—room?
    ----There’s a big closet, two end tables and two desks

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