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  • 牛津英语3A复习提纲

    时间:12-09 00:36:16来源:http://www.laixuea.com 四年级英语学习阅读:8226

    概要:p align="center" class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center; line-height: 19pt;">三年级英语3A复习提纲姓名_________学号_________一认读单词 评价______________ 家长签字______________pen pencil ruler eraser crayon sharpener pencil-case book bag school head hand face foot nose eye ear arm finger leg body red yellow blue purple white black green orange brown pin


    p align="center" class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: center; line-height: 19pt;">三年级英语3A复习提纲

    姓名_________  学号_________ 

    一 认读单词       评价______________   家长签字______________

    pen  pencil  ruler eraser  crayon  sharpener  pencil-case   book   bag  school   head  hand   face  foot  nose  eye  ear  arm  finger  leg  body red yellow blue purple white black green                                                                 orange brown pink cat dog monkey panda                                                rabbit     duck    pig bird    bear  elephant    mouse   squirrel cake  bread  hot dog  hamburger  chicken  French fries Coke              juice milk water tea coffee one nine seven ball  six                              two    four    eight     ten    doll    three     five    boat   kite    balloon   car    plane


    Show me your pen. Open your pencil-case.  Close your book. Carry your bag. Go to school.  Clap your hands.  Touch your face.  Wave your arms. Snap your fingers. Cross your legs. Show me your red crayon. Act like a cat. Fly like a bird.  Climb like a bear.  Walk like an elephant. Hunt like a mouse.   Jump like a squirrel. Make the cake.   Cut the bread. Eat the hot dog.   Show me the hamburger. Smell the chicken. Pass me the French Fries.   Drink the juice.  Pour the water. Taste the tea. Smell the coffee. Hold the doll. Bounce the ball.  Fly the kite.  Blow up the balloons. Drive the car. Throw the plane.

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