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  • 三年级英语暑假练习2-根据上下文填空

    时间:12-09 00:36:57来源:http://www.laixuea.com 四年级英语学习阅读:8323

    概要:p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: left; margin-left: 80px;">小学英语3B Exercises根据上下文提示填空(每格一空) 1. I want______ for my mother. Today is_______ _________.2. What is your favourite ________? I like lotuses best.3. What____ of salad? Vegetable salad.4. What’s in the basket? _________ a ping-pong ball.5. I ____ skipping the rope. Sandy ____ running. He _____ run fast.6. Do you_______ volleyball?_____, I _____


    p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: left; margin-left: 80px;">小学英语3B  Exercises


    1.     I want______ for my mother. Today is_______ _________.

    2.     What is your favourite ________? I like lotuses best.

    3.     What____ of salad? Vegetable salad.

    4.     What’s in the basket? _________ a ping-pong ball.

    5.     I ____ skipping the rope. Sandy ____ running. He _____ run fast.

    6.     Do you_______ volleyball?_____, I ________ like volleyball.

    7.     I can______ with my hands.

    8.     ________ the spring roll, Sue. Wow,it’s delicious!

    9.     I can________ the bird flying. I can______ the bird singing.

    10.   What can you do with your feet? I can_______.

    11.   I can____ with my nose. I can______ with my mouth.

    12.  What can you_____? I can _____basketball.

    13.  Wet,wet,I can feel the_____.

    14.   Look at the white_________ in the sky.

    15.  In the evening,there is the______ and_______ in the sky.

    16.  _______you _______a lovely bird?

    17.  My good friend____ _____ some beautiful dresses.

    18.  How many racing cars _____ Mike ______?He_____ ____ one.

    19.  Peter and Tom____ ____ a football. Look,they_____ _____ football.

    20.  Look here, ______ are sunflowers. Look there, are _________pines?

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