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  • 合资经营企业协议

    时间:10-21 12:57:55来源:http://www.laixuea.com 经营合同阅读:8414

    概要: 4. Each Party to Joint Venture shall pay in its contributions before______(time limit). Any delay in payment will be subject to a payment of interest or a compensation for the loss occurred therein. 5. The transfer of one Party's share in the registered capital shall be effected with the prior consent of the other Party and approval of its government and the latter shall enjoy priority to purchase it.第五条 专利许可Article 5 Patent Licensing Arrange

        4. Each Party to Joint Venture shall pay in its contributions before______(time limit).  Any delay in payment will be subject to a payment of interest or a compensation for the loss occurred therein.
        5. The transfer of one Party's share in the registered capital shall be effected with the prior consent of the other Party and approval of its government and the latter shall enjoy priority to purchase it.

    第五条  专利许可
    Article 5  Patent Licensing Arrangement

        1、 乙方同意向合营企业转让下列独家许可:
         2、 甲乙双方同意,在执行本协议的同时,将全面贯彻执行上述三个协议:专利许可协议、商标许可协议和技术援助协议。

        1. Party B agrees to grant Joint Venture the following exclusive licences:
        (1) An exclusive license to manufacture, use and sell Licensed Product under Party B's Patents according to the terms and conditions of the Patent License Agreement attached hereto.
        (2) An exclusive license to use Trademark in marketing Licensed Product according to the terms and conditions of the Trademark License Agreement attached hereto.
        (3) An exclusive license to practise Party B's know-how for manufacturing and marketing Licensed Product according to the terms and conditions of the Technical Asistance Agreement attached hereto.
        2. Party A and Party B agree that simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement, they shall carry out, the above three agreements -- the Patent License Agreement, the Trademark License Agreement and the Technical Assistance Agreement.

    第六条  产品销售
    Article 6    Marketing Arrangements

        1、 甲乙双方共同负责销售许可产品。
        2、 通过乙方世界销售系统销售的产品初期销售量为总产量的XX%。同时,甲方将协助合营企业通过中国的外贸公司出口许可产品。
        3、 许可产品也可以在中国市场出售。
        4、 中营企业所需购买的原材料、半成品、燃料和配套件等,在条件相同的情况下,应首先在中国购买。当然,也可使用自己的外汇直接从世界市场购进。

        1. Party A and Party B shall be responsible for the sales of Licensed Product.
        2. The initial amount of Licensed Product to be sold on the foreign markets is______% of the total production through Party B's marketing system worldwide.   Meanwhile Party A shall help Joint Venture to export Licensed Product through China's trade establishments.
        3. Licensed Product may also be distributed on the Chinese market.
        4. In purchase of the required raw materials and semiprocessed products, fuels, auxiliary equipment etc., Joint Venture shall give first priority to Chinese sources where conditions are the same, but may also acquire them directly from the world market with its own foreign exchange funds.

    第七条  董事会
    Article 7    Board of Directors

        1、 董事会是合营企业的最高领导机构,负责合营企业的主要事宜。
        2、 董事会由XX名董事组成,其中X名(包括董事长)由甲方指定;X名(包括副董事长)由乙方指定。董事的任期为4年,若双方同意,任期可以延长。

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