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  • 六年级英语作文:我最喜欢的老师(双语)

    时间:10-14 10:20:02来源:http://www.laixuea.com 小升初英语阅读:8208

    概要: 小朋友们想必都已经认识不少老师吧,那么你最喜欢哪位老师呢?是教体育的方老师,还是教音乐的钟老师呢?小朋友们对自己最喜欢的老师了解吗?我们来看一看下面这位同学描述的他最喜欢的老师吧。My favorite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a small red mouth. There is always a smile on her face.我最喜欢的老师是黄老师。她是一位美丽的女士。她有一双大大的眼睛,一个高高的鼻子和一个小小的红色的嘴巴。她的脸上总是带着微笑。Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front



    My favorite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a small red mouth. There is always a smile on her face.我最喜欢的老师是黄老师。她是一位美丽的女士。她有一双大大的眼睛,一个高高的鼻子和一个小小的红色的嘴巴。她的脸上总是带着微笑。

    Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing. 黄老师喜欢唱歌和收集海报。她擅长弹钢琴。傍晚的时候,她总是坐在钢琴前面弹奏优美的曲子。她还擅长跳舞。有时候,她会教我们跳舞。

    Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favorite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea. 黄老师非常喜欢小狗,因为小狗很友好,很可爱。她最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。因为蓝色是天空和大海的颜色。

    This is my favorite teacher. Our classmates all like her very much. 这就是我最喜欢的老师。我们所有的同学都很喜欢她。


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