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  • 英语句子中的四种非连续成分

    时间:10-27 11:21:23来源:http://www.laixuea.com 英语写作方法阅读:8258

    概要:了解英语句子中非连续成分的运用无论对于正确理解英语句子的意思,还是用正确汉语来表达英语句子的意思都是至关重要的。我们都知道,英语大多数陈述句都采用SVO这种线性结构(linear structure),各成分之间的语法关系是靠语序来体现的,为了准确地表达句子中各成分之间的语法关系,避免歧义,人们在写英语句子时一般要遵循相邻原则(principle of adjacency),即语法关系密切的两个成分应处于相邻的位置。但是,在实际运用中有时人们并不遵循这一原则,两个应该相邻成分之间被其它成分分隔,构成含非连续成分(discontinuous constituents)的句式。例如:⑴A wild yell of jubilation to their surprise, went up suddenly from two dozen throats and pandemonium of joy ensued.--F. S. Fitzgerald: The Diamond as Big as the Ritz⑵



      我们都知道,英语大多数陈述句都采用SVO这种线性结构(linear structure),各成分之间的语法关系是靠语序来体现的,为了准确地表达句子中各成分之间的语法关系,避免歧义,人们在写英语句子时一般要遵循相邻原则(principle of adjacency),即语法关系密切的两个成分应处于相邻的位置。但是,在实际运用中有时人们并不遵循这一原则,两个应该相邻成分之间被其它成分分隔,构成含非连续成分(discontinuous constituents)的句式。例如:

      ⑴A wild yell of jubilation to their surprise, went up suddenly from two dozen throats and pandemonium of joy ensued.

      --F. S. Fitzgerald: The Diamond as Big as the Ritz

      ⑵But here on the same road you might have seen among these heavy men a being lithe…

      --J. Conrad: Amy Foster

      ⑶Indeed, if readers find the introduction hard going, they should read just the last section, then plunge into the body of the book, and return to Chapter I when puzzles arise about the general nature of the field.

      --S. C. Levinson: Pragmatics

      ⑷As soon as they were gone, Elisabeth walked out to recover her spirits, or in other words, to dwell, without interpretation on those subjects that deaden then more.

      --J. Austen: Pride and Prejudice

      上面几个都是含非连续成分的句子,但非连续成分的构成情况各不相同。例⑴句子中的主语A wild yell of jubilation和谓语went up被状语to their surprise分隔,构成主谓非连续成分,例⑵中谓语动词might have seen和宾语a being被状语among these heavy men分隔,构成动宾语非连续成分。例⑶中的中心词puzzles和修饰语被分句的谓语arise分隔,构成名词中心词和后置修饰非连续成分。例⑷不定式动词to dwell和该动词词组的小品词分隔,构成动词副词小品词非连续成分。



      Some things have been done that ought to have been done long ago.



      I've got something important to say.

      There is a man downstairs who wants to see you.

      The enterprises and property in China of the Japanese aggressors and the chief traitors were confiscated.

      Is there anything you want that you have not?



      There are a lot of people at the bus stop waiting for the bus.

      They found a room there to put up for the night.

      "Here is the man, " he said, "who told us the good news yesterday."

      at the bus stop, there都是状语,he said是插入成分,它们把中心词和修饰语分隔,产生了非连续成分。


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